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General Debate



In the General Debate, the General Assembly discussed the issue of ISIS and the threat it presents. Countries such as Iraq aked for support in the form of direct troops, so as to protect themselves from ISIS. The delegate of DPRK supported this stand and requested USA to provide these affected countries with troops. The delegate also pointed out that not doing so would result in ISIS to spread its influence, and affect other countries.






















The delegate of Jordan agreed to provide troops to combat ISIS. However, he also called for other countries such as Lebanon and Turkey to craft a resolution for more international aid to combat ISIS in areas of conflict.  The delegate of USA refused to provide ground troops to these countries as they felt they were already doing enough by providing air forces, and that they did not want to get directly involved in their battles. The delegate also felt that the economical feasibility of providing troops would be very low, based on past experiences in the 2003 millitary war, which was a millitary failure.

























North Korea has fired missiles which has hit a South Korean cargo ship killing 5 Chinese citizens.


Upon this alert being announced, the council proceeding into general debates regarding the crisis. The delegate of South Korea reacted by demanding explanations, and also suggested sanctions to be imposed onto DPRK. The delegate of North Korea then stated that it was "apologetic" but would not disarm. To this, the South Korean criticized North Korea for not following precautionary measures, and not having another country to oversee the nuclear testing. The delegate of DPRK accepted this criticism, and assured that future testings would be done with safety measures.




















DPRK was also criticized by most countries, such as India, Russia and Germany, who all felt that North Korea have shown that they cannot be tested, and should not be allowed to posess them, and hence should be disarmed. Other countries also felt that this was a threat to the well being of their own countries.







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