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General Debate


After the opening speeches, the delegates discussed about the issue of Space colonisation and militerisation, and whether it should happen. Countries such as South Korea and Germany were against the colonisation of space, and requested countries to focus on issues that are already prevalent such as poverty and world hunger, instead of looking at space development.

























However, other countries such as Brazil and South Africa believed that space commercialisation will only develop the economy of countries, and would instead help the economic situation of countries instead of being detrimental. This was supporte by the delegate of France, who supported South Africa's stand of focusing on space development as well as humanitarian issues.



























However, this strategy was questioned by the delegate of India, who requested the delegate of South Africa to clarify how space exploration would be beneficial for them due to its high costs. This was supported by delegate of Japan and USA, who felt that South Africa should not be focusing on space exploration, as it is a very long and expensive process.






























Crisis Alert

North Korea has fired missiles which has hit a South Korean cargo ship killing 5 Chinese citizens.


After this was announced, the council moved onto the genral debate of this issue.The delegates of Britain and Iran stongly beileved that North Korea is to be blamed for this incident and that this was due to their carelessness in not enforcing proper regulations, to ensure the safety of other countries. They point out examples of other countires conducting proper nucleur tests before.The delegates of USA and Egypt expressd a even stricter stand, in which they strongly felt that nucleur tests should not be conducted in North Korea, as there they felt that full safety during nucluer tests cannot be gurenteed, and hence nuclear tests in North Korea should be banned.  At the same time delgates of Britain and China urge North Korea to intiate peace talks with China.











However the delegate of Brazil beilved that countires should not be so harsh toward DPRK, and he showed how the Treaty of Versialles caused Germany to become more antagonistic towards other countries which later caused WW II. At the same time DPRK argued that thier technology was not as advanced , and showed how it was harder for them to ensure sfatey during nucleur tests, as compared to countires who were able carry out safe nucluer tests, such as Untied States of America. At the same time, they argued that nucluer weapons were necessary for the protection of their country, and that in no way is the banning of nuclear tests feasible for the security of their nation, against countires who hold nuclear weapons in their military arsenal. 




















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